Fine Wave Corrugated Sheet
ورق کرکره سینوسی ریز
زمانی که به ورق فلزی با دستگاه پرس فرم سینوسی دهیم، ورق کرکره ریز یا درشت ایجاد میشود که یکی از رایجترین…
In line with the needs of our valued
customers, after many years of experience and acquiring the necessary skills, Bahman Steel Industrial Group is proud to have built and put into operation a complex consisting of paint coating and PVC lamination on metal coils, with a nominal capacity of 120,000 tons per year and the most complete unit for forming ceramic designs, shutters, and steel decks from colored and galvanized sheets in the country.
Office 011-2222-4151
Mazandaran Province, North Savadkouh, Beshel Industrial Park, Phase 2, Industry 5
Head Office 011-2222-4227
Mazandaran, Ghaemshahr, Tehran Street, Above the Ring Road, Next to Ahmadi Weighbridge
Tehran Office 021-1138-2269
Tehran, Tajrish, Andarzgoo Blvd., Beginning of Saba Blvd., North Baloch Alley, No. 10, Unit 6
info [at]